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Opioid Resources

Recovery is Possible

The path to recovery is different for every individual. Very few are able to quit without the proper medical assistance and community support networks. While there has been an increased severity of the epidemic in recent years, treatment is available, and recovery is possible. 

MHS is working closely with providers, pharmacies and community services to support our members who are struggling with substance use. 

MHS Resources 

Helpful Links

Refer a Member for Services

Want to refer a member to Care Management? Our Care Management and Behavioral Health programs can help you help your patient by supporting your treatment plan and assisting in getting the services you order. Care Managers can also help address issues such as housing, food and transportation that may be barriers to treatment.

Refer a member through the Secure Provider Portal quickly and easily. Just search for the member using the Quick Eligibility Check, click on the member’s name, and then select Referrals in the left hand menu. You may also call Provider Services at 1-877-647-4848.

Last Updated: 06/07/2024